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  2. Training Officer Functions

Complete Class for User

This article will instruct you on how to complete a class for a user. This process is used for department specific training as well as Prodigy system classes.

Select "Class Catalog" and then hit the check mark in the top right. 

full catalog

complete a class

1. Select the class to complete

2. Select Live or Distributive as the completion type.

If Live is selected you will choose the session, if distributive is selected you can add a completion date.

3. Select session or Date complete. 

If a live session has not been created for the date you are looking to complete, you can add it from the class details page - Add Live Session

4. Check this box if you want to complete the quiz for them, if you do not check this box the user will still need to complete the quiz from the class page to get credit for the class.

You can not complete the quiz for a Prodigy system class, CAPCE requires a quiz be completed for all distributive and VILT classes. You are able to complete the lecture portion of the class, the user will need to complete the quiz.

5. Select users, you can filter by croup or CTRL click to select multiple users.

6. Move all users in view to selected.

7. Move highlighted users to selected.

8. Remove highlighted users.

9. Remove all users.

10. Selected users will have class completed for them.

11. Triggers the completed class.

After the class has been completed, it will be treated in the training plan and transcript like any other class on Prodigy and will fullfil any requirements that class fits.